Get tips and advice on everything from how to wash your hair to keeping greasy hair under control with useful articles from theworld’s #1 shampoo.(1)
Washing and styling your hair
Oily or greasy hair
Black and afro-textured hair
Whether you’re wondering how often to wash your hair, how to care for heat-damaged hair or how to treat black hair, then we can help.
Check out the latest advice from our experts who have spent more than 50 years developing shampoo and hair care products to tackle awhole range of issues.
We all wash our hair – but ever wondered what the best way to do it is? There are plenty of different routines people advocate, but itall depends on what you need.
For example, if you’re looking to care for heat-damaged hair you need a hair care regime deigned to bring life back toyour hair.
Check out our hair washing and styling tips
Greasy hair is absolutely normal – we all produce natural hair oils. But when that oil builds up, it can leave your hair looking greasyand potentially lead to scalp irritation.
But the good news is, there are plenty of ways to tackle it from choosing the right type of shampoo to making a few simple changes toyour hair care regime.
See our tips for greasy or oily hair.
Textured/black hair tips
Ethnicity has a big effect on the way you care for your hair as every hair type is different from the next, requiring different careand attention.
And if you have textured hair, you’ll know a typical routine or products designed for Caucasian hair won’t necessarily work for you.
Find out what makes hair types different and how to embrace your natural hair with routines and products designed to help you get the right amount of moisturein your hair to keep it looking great.
get the right amount of moisture
(1)P&G calculation based on Nielsen sales information July 2012 - June 2013